Thursday, June 25, 2009

An Amazing Thing.....

I still can't believe it myself.....and has little to nothing to do with Sage....but thought I would share a real shocker.

The Anti~Rider took to the saddle yesterday. He actually has several titles....My Personal Undertaker, Pet Babysitter, and Favorite Son amongst them....But his real, given name is Ryan.

On our last ride just Caly and Sage got to go out. We felt a bit bad that Dazzle had to stay home. With just Steven and I available, I was going to take Dazzle with Sage....On a whim, I asked favorite Son if he would like to my utter shock, he said " Sure, I have nothing to do anyway."

I was surprised he didn't hear my jaw drop. He is 23 with limited riding experience. His horse contact ( as far as I know) is usually in the form of feeding those "beasts" while I am away.

As I recall, his last horseback ride was in the paddock, on a horse named "Fred" who belonged to young lady about his age, 14, Nicki. Fred was not what I would call 'pony material'.....a hot Morgan, whom Nicki adored, but years later did admit that she was surprised didn't kill her. Fred had some issues, as well as a number of positions and cues that strictly meant "go" fact all positions and cues meant "go" to Fred. He was the ONLY horse I ever got off because I could not get to a place where I felt safe......but she rode him like a pro.

She barrel raced him, and trail rode, but primarily barrels, like a madman. Even Caly preferred to follow Fred, so he could watch the show, and thankfully not learn what Fred knew, how to dance, jig and otherwise get his way.....and she just rode along, apparently not noticing.

Ryan had ridden Domino and Angel, our first 2 horses, but always on a lead and not for long. His younger brother, Colby actually did compete with Dazzle years ago at the local horse club, and did OK, in his odd Mother~taught way.....Ryan attended some of the shows, but I don't believe he ever competed but possibly once: leadline on Fred with Nicki leading....or that quite possibly could have been their friend Wes: tall, lanky teen like them, it was rather humorous....the other leadline riders were about 5 years old or so....and Wes/Ryan, whichever one, stuck out like a sore thumb.

Nicki convinced Ryan that Fred was harmless.....I am quite sure it was to impress the very pretty girl boarding her horse at my house, Ryan agreed to get on Fred, but only in the paddock. I missed the whole thing, I was not home, but I heard that it was quite an experience, one he would not repeat and it had something to do with a broken rein and a crazed Morgan in the paddock. That was Ryan's last ride.....until yesterday, 9 years later, which seems like an eternity to me.

Steven and I tacked up, and out comes Ryan, a jusbravery can of beer in his hand: a tall boy. I know what that was: I have had them myself. My former brother calls the regular sized ones " 12 ounce Tranquilizers". Finishing the 16 ouncer, and setting it on the ground, he gave Dazzle a good scratch. Dressed just as he'd asked me: boots and jeans....and a ball cap, he offered that when we are away he goes out and talks to them.....He TALKS to them??? I really thought he didn't much care for them at all, never mind talk to them! I remember he nailed Dazzle's door shut once because he'd opened his sliding door, and done the limbo under the stall guard more than once while I was away ..... he was sick of going to the neighbor's lawn to retrieve him....but I digress....I offered to have him use the stump to get on....he said, no, I know how to do this...and he did, mowed over the empty can, without incident, and followed along behind Caly and Sage.

Let me say, even with that long hiatus from horse back riding, I was impressed. Very impressed. He figured out very quickly how to avoid Dazzle eating every leaf in sight, How to speed up, how to slow down, and even how to neck rein. I checked his foot position several times: Heels down. Wow! I turned around to check Steven and Ryan.....they were both TROTTING and later, when I was trotting....Ryan and Dazzle were loping! Yay! He IS his Mother's son....

It was just a short ride, no sense in beating Favorite Son his first time up....his back was getting a bit sore and we arrived home in one piece, and here's the kicker:

He admitted: " That was fun".

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