Sunday, June 17, 2012
Monday, March 28, 2011
Mustang Brand Jewelry!!! by Get Nailed!
Available at:
Jewelry By S&R
85 Main St.
Orleans MA 02653
10% of your purchase will be donated in your name to the org/rescue of your choice. ( Naturally, we prefer Mustangs, but whatever you designate!) Wholesaler opportunities are possible: please email or call for information!
MUSTANG BRACELET: Sterling silver with 14k gold wrap: 160.
Sterling Silver: no gold: 130.
MUSTANG PENDANT: Cast Sterling Silver pendant with your Mustang's Brand hand stamped. Chain not included. Will fit standard chain or leather thong. $ 35.
MUSTANG RINGS: Cast in Sterling Silver and stamped with YOUR Mustangs Brand, name of your mustang is engraved inside. $ 45.
Available with Brand face in 14k Gold: $ 300.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Equine Affaire 2010 !!
Leaving tomorrow with Sage AND Aspen!! We are so excited!
Sadly, this blog is ending....BUT Join us on Facebook: SageAspen CapeMustangs: friend us!!!
I hope you have enjoyed reading the adventures of Sage ( and Aspen) and will join us over on Facebook. For those of you reading for the first time, to read from the beginning, go to the oldest posts first, then read from the bottom up.
It's been a wonderful journey....and WE LOVE OUR MUSTANGS!!! One that we like to share, and will do so at the BLM Mustang booth at Equine Affaire Massachusetts 2010!
Special Thanks to:
The Bureau of Land Management: who takes alot of grief, but from our end of the experience works hard on a daily basis to find the best possible homes for these wonderful animals!
USWHBA: The organization that brought Steven and Sage and Cindy and Aspen together: Robin Rivello and Kim Dore: you are the BEST!
This whole horse experience and Mustang adoption has brought out the true horse addiction in Steven. He is a jeweler by trade, and his Equine Addiction has manifested itself in a line of Original Equine Jewelry pieces, created by Steven....It's consuming at times, much to the dismay of co workers Alison and Beth, who have endured hours of production contributions, excessive equine talk and contagious enthusiasm.....all in the name of the horse...
Please see his creations here:
Happy Trails!! Whoo! Hoo!!
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Everyone Loves A Parade
That was in May. I had read on my favorite horsie bulletin board ( fondly named "Code Yellow" by my children.... code words for "Don't disturb Mother when she is reading that site or you will be grounded")...years ago. I read that horses were being sought for a parade in Middleboro MA for Memorial Day....I mentioned it to Steven..."Yes!" before I finished explaining we would have to email for details...
With that complete....realizing I was having company for that weekend, a HS friend from NH, Liz and her friend, Kay. We decided to incorporate the parade into weekend activities for the amusement of my guests....I invited Liz to ride Dazzle in the parade.
Dazzle and Caly are rock solid in parades having done several in the past, and Dazz is just rock solid at anything...including Rock Solid at refusing to move on occasion....Sage was the unknown...the 'wild' card.....
We trailered up to Middleboro in 2 vehicles as Liz and Kay were headed back to NH afterwards. Totally uneventful. We tacked up alongside the only locals who were gutsy enough to participate. A Tennessee Walker, a Quarter Horse and a Paso Fino....Who did manage to break free during the tacking up process and was a rather easy catch...just pranced around a bit with those typical sticcatto steps as Pasos do...the fairies of the equine world...
Off we go to join up with the parade, the 3 locals leading the way thru side streets and the 3 Cape Codder implants taking up the rear: each carring a flag...and Sage had the BIG one!
I don't think I have any photos of the parade, but I did find it on YouTube:
The horses are near the very end....See? Calm as can be! The parade committee had decided to divert us off the route before the ceremonial shooting hiss...we were actually looking forward to that! But Sage had one more adventure ahead of her....
Safely back at the trailer, horses eating grass and untacked we waited for Kay who had driven Liz's car to parts unknown to view the parade to return with the car...and we waited and waited and waited....Finally, Steven's figitiness got the best of him....he put Sage's bridle back on, jumped on bareback and retraced the route...backwards.
Off thru Middleboro he goes, to the delight of onlookers...a busckskin horse with a freezebrand and a guy astride bareback with eyes bright with the excitement of another adventure is certainly NOT something you'd see in downtown Middleboro....they got LOTS of applause....and finally found Kay too, just where we saw her on our way thru the parade the first time.
I guess she is a bit gullible as she told Steven she had learned that the parade was coming back! and she was waiting!!! Ha ha ha, Kay extends a hand to Steven to get on Sage....what??? Um, don't you have a car to bring back? I think she was disappointed that Prince Charming was not there to rescue her...( Kay was now part hombre as she had taken a short trail ride with Liz and I the day before: on Dazzle)
Back at the trailer, around the corner comes Steven on Sage.....with Liz's car not far behind...
How's that for a round up?
Monday, July 5, 2010
If Ya Got It....Show It Off....Sage goes to Equine Affaire
EA is a heavily attended equine event where people oooh and ahhhh over everything equine...and they shop....they shop like a fashion junkie in NYC....Everything equine is well represented at EA....and I freely admit: I go every year, a true addict.......but have never brought a horse with me.
Everything but the kitchen sink: Into the trailer!!! Honestly, she was FAR more packed than we were.....right down to the kick chains that Steven fashioned for her from a set of hobbles. She had taken to POUNDING the daylights out of her stall walls in previous months....Didn't want her to give Mustangs a bad name and all....Just simple hobbles, fleece lined of course for the Princess....with short pieces of chains...which she promply destroyed during her visit to EA.....but the walls were intact, which is all that really matters after all. They remain, to this day, on the floor of the tackroom floor of the trailer.
Getting Sage settled with the other Mustangs was completely and totally uneventful. You'd think she was a world traveller...she handled it that well! Among other Mustang owners was a young lady and her mom, previous adopters of Sage.....with their mustang. Linda, and her daughter: Monique: who is here: riding the mare she adopted and never got to ride:
Monique had a large photo album with various photos of her Mustangs she'd adopted, including Sage, and dozens of photos of special moments she'd shared with her current Mustang...who's name escapes me. Her with her Mustang:
After The Pfizer Fantasia on Thursday night....a big musical, and quite the dramatic presentation of the horse....The Mustang enthusiasts ( lunatics )assembled in the coliseum, with their sleepy Mustangs for an impromptu riding session....right around midnight. We all rode, even those without a horse with us, and rode each others horses....We Mustang people are so diverse!
Even yours truly got in on the action,.....this guy was SO Cool!!!
We left the Coliseum, Lord knows what time....'bout when when they started the tractor to drag the ring for the next day's activities.....Got the kids settled in the barn and headed off to bed ourselves. Our fearless leader, Kim, had everyone's contact info and was the go~to person if there was any trouble overnight....The reason we got some good rest!
Our fearless leader Kim riding Johwye....I got to ride him too in a most bizzarre bareback saddle: What a gentleman:
Demo tomorrow with more than a dozen Mustangs participating....let's hope Sage's training holds up to some wild applause!!!
The Aftermath
Some examples of Steven's new equine jewelry fetish...
There's more stuff.....and it's in a brocure entitled: GET NAILED....but I am challenged and don't know how to get it from htere to here......
She's a Shopper...and Steven is a Whackjob....
Steven is a jeweler, who's latest venture is equine jewelry. He's dragged his employees into it. I have not personally witnessed any kicking or screaming, which tells me that they know what I know: If you can't beat them, join them. Apparently they are real troopers....last time I was in the store they were working on various equine related pieces. That being said, we have now established that they: Alison and Beth, have resigned themselves to the fact that Steven is an equine addict....of the highest order.
Steven also has no bounds.....just like the venture into my breezeway mentioned earlier....the more insane and twisted the idea may be, the more appealing it becomes to him. So one day, I am dutifully at work...and I know that Steven is on the loose, invariably it will have something to do with Sage. My cellphone alerts me that I have a message.....never in my wildest dreams did I expect to see this picture message...
Alison, who was diligently working at the time, took hold of her senses and fled the store.....There is to be NO GOOD to come of a horse in a jewelry store, with all that glass.....
What happened next, is not to be believed! She checked out all the carats and went out the front door. Yes, it was that uneventful.....Who woulda thunk it....ever.
Friday, June 25, 2010
Oh, Boy!!! Color me RED.
So much has happened...We have an addition to our family....No! I did not have a baby ( no one wants an infant stump troll anyway), well, sorta, equine! Sage didn't drop a foal....
It's Aspen, the grey guy mentioned earlier...the one I didn't have 'room' for...
When I found out in November that his adopter could no longer keep him, it really didn't take more than, say, a millisecond to say OK! 'Course the price tag was a huge, huge bonus....TWENTY FIVE DOLLARS. Yep! $ 25.00 which I probably could have come up with in spare change from various places.....but nope! I won on a scratch ticket given to me by the Anti Rider son a few weeks earlier for my birthday. He was more than a little puzzled when I texted him down in Florida on vacation and said: " Thanks for the Horse"
Will try to catch up with some highlites of the year gone past....Aside from the day to day rides and trail adventures...Sage has been a very busy girl in her education!!! Stand by!
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Can She Play Poker???
We arrived to what Steven read as a PC crowd: very nice people, nice farm after momentarily becoming lost....Thank You to the Hillsboro Fire Department dude for the directions....and he did it by farm owner name....Ya gotta love small towns.
Here are the entries:
Entries filed, tacked up, Lorin safely atop Dazz...we marched right up to the starting point for an overview of the rules.
Not so hard....I thought, passing the map to Steven, Maps and I are non partners....
We start out on the Poker Run: not timed, with 5 obstacles, Parelli Game style, along the way, that if done successfully, one way or another, will earn you a playing card.
First was a small trail thru the woods...easy stuff...we do this all the time: Bingo! Card for each of us....!
Second: Receive raw egg in spoon, must weave thru cones and back. Sage had no problem, tho Steven did crack the egg on the saddle horn before she even took a step: proceed, with the cracked egg..... One handed he weaves thru the cones and back...See? All that neck reining exercises paid off! Caly: same cracked egg, we got a note from the attendant for trotting! Good boy. Dazzle with Lorin aboard: flawlessly....good! Presto! We each get a card!
Third: Drag something....uh, oh. No tarps in sight....Choices were: a cone, a log!, or a barrel!! Caly, I take the rope for the cone and trot on down to the end marker, pass the rope over his head with a nifty rollback, and then the other side of the horse saw the cone: sidepass all the way back...." oooh, he sidepasses nice!" I hear....if they only knew.... Steven selects the log! to my surprise...totally uneventfully they drag the log down and back! No theatrics, and Steven explained later he thought it would be the quietest....good call! Dazzle and Lorin took the cone, la de dah....No problem! YeeHaw! Cards! ( was working on a straight now.....)
Forth: Hill? I don't understand how a hill can be an issue, except for the fact that near the bottom of it was obstacle #5: water crossing....Caly: charge down, saw the horse eating water and blasted up: card. Sage: no big deal to her, didn't waste any time in either direction: card. Dazzle had some tenderness issues early in the day, so Lorin took a go around which was forgiven due to the explaination that Dazzle has a bone in his leg that is in place with 5 screws: card.
Fifth: The w~a~t~e~r. I was hoping it was merely a stream so I could just jump such luck. Big puddle with 2 barrels: weave the barrels. To my delight, with minimal "I do not want to go in" hesitations , both Caly and Sage did as asked....Dazzle, well we call him the sea!
Success! I didn't get my straight, in fact, I got nuthin', ditto for Lorin, but Steven finished with 1 pair, which didn't make him a winner, but Sage sure was!
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Like A Girl Scout: Be Prepared
Sponsored by Granite State Savvy Club ( Savvy: a word that tells me that the group uses methods of horsemanship and training from Pat Parelli). Years ago I had attended a Parelli clinic in the far, far north regions of New Hampshire with my friend MaryBeth. While I found it very heavy in the marketing end of things, it was very informative and interesting: well worth going....Funny, most trainers techniques overlap, with some sort of twist....I think if you listen to them all, then go with your gut, I think you will get a very well trained horse in the end.....but I digress...
Reading thru the info about the event provided by the club, I scanned for hints, clues: What are these obstacles you must traverse in order to 1) Get a playing card and 2)pass thru during your timed trail ride????
Water: um, we have worked on that...should be ok, during the race, Caly can probably just jump over.....crossing hooves for Sage, lately with water, she is OK....
Dragging something? Carcass? Rider?? (hope not) so we assumed that they mean tarp.....
I have enlisted the help of Lorin ( my friend in New Hampshire who we will converge upon for tonite) Who I will refer to as "10Horses"....yes: 10!! She will ride Dazzle so he will not need to be left home, bellowing and disturbing the entire neighborhood! To keep 10Horses, and the rest of us safe, we decided to give the tarp dragging a shot....It went better than expected. Sage was a bit curious, but not afraid. She only showed a small response when out back in the practice area, we had a long rope attached to the dragging ( really, at some points: Flying! Very windy back there!)tarp as she rounded a barrel, and the tarp appeared alongside her...on the other side. Interesting.....
Incidentally, the fly mask is on to keep the flies from further balding near her eyes, she is in no way some sort of wierd burgler....
Some Pictures!!!
Next up was Caly....Who showed no fear up in the back yard near the house....Minimal ( and very entertaining) squirming and side stepping around the barrels...tho what really appeared to concern him was something lying in wait for him in the woods....
And then Mr. Perfect, Mr. Solid As A Rock, Mr. I Will Be Nice To My Rider: Dazzle...who was once terrified of carrying a flag during an opening ceremony at a show....ran all the way to the end of the ring with little Mollie O.....then stood there....proved my concerns to be wrong this time: he was GOOD. Imagine that? Handsome bugger!
Time will tell how the 3 fare in New Hampshire......Stand by!
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Sooooo...Ya Like To Break Stuff, Do Ya ???
She got her opportunity the next day....Back in the crossties, a sturdier anchored set, she measures and CALCULATES ( damn, she's better at that than I am!) Twisting her head side to back. Then she gets a bit antsy....doing the math I suppose. Then she positions herself....and rears. The lead is still attached, Steven is nearby, watching and pulls her down "NO!"....she just looks at him.....She tried, with the same results, and eventually, successfully, snaps a metal clip. What does she do then? She stands there. Looks at us as if to say "ha ha ha, I knew I could do it"....doesn't even try to get away.....The wench!
I called Robin, explained what she'd been doing, having my own idea already, but asking HER opinion...which counts for ALOT here.....after all: she's 'wild' not a domestic.....they could be very different approaches. We thought alike: "shank her".
Next day, I am at work having shown Steven the shank extension and how to use it...He later told me it was employed 3 times, each application a little stronger than the previous, and the third time she went high enuf to nearly pull the lead from his hand, she failed.........and the drama has yet to repeat itself....Crossing hooves.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Sage Brush Bucky Lilly.....
She's back in heat, and a bit cranky the past couple days. Of course I understand, and do my best to explain to Steven: he might have 'cramps' or perhaps frustrated that she is surrounded by Boyz....who will have nothing to do with her: that way. Nonetheless: she must learn to deal, and behave.
He barely caught the first one.....but was quick to correct the second wave, and the third was the last. Apparently his correction must have made an impression. I heard the verbal parts, but missed the actual corrections, and he stayed on and made her do what he'd asked: every time. That would include splitting her off from Dazzle and Caly to an adjacent trail, trotting when they were walking, leading the group, and walking when they were trotting. She would verbally protest when separated, same as before: whin nn nnn nnn nnn eeee, which makes her sound like some sort of wierd Sunday morning cartoon horse, trotting along. Ryan remarked that she sounded a bit like the end of a bad western....and she did!
Sage has some odd ideas. I forgot to tell about her water concerns during the previous ride. We'd approached a few ponds. Sage was having nothing to do with entering the water with her feet. With nose outstretched, she would sip, but no classic western pose of horse drinking standing knee deep, Uh Uh, no way baby. She stood her ground, reaching out her neck for just a sip.
At one stretch of beach, Steven dismounted, and handed me her lead rope, removing the reins. I was on Caly, who had quite some time ago, given in and learned to enter a pond.....but it involved about a half hour and spurs. This time, I have the spurs for him.....and just a rope for her.
She ponies, not well, but it's not really necessary at this point. I eased Caly into the edge of the pond, thankfully without much effort. In a matter of seconds, she joined him. They splashed along and she appeared to get over the 'Oh my God that is just a big black hole' kinda phobia....or so we thought.
Steven remounted: nope. She has decided that is just not safe, ok alone but no way: with a rider, and she again refused....will work on that....but another day.
An Amazing Thing.....
The Anti~Rider took to the saddle yesterday. He actually has several titles....My Personal Undertaker, Pet Babysitter, and Favorite Son amongst them....But his real, given name is Ryan.
On our last ride just Caly and Sage got to go out. We felt a bit bad that Dazzle had to stay home. With just Steven and I available, I was going to take Dazzle with Sage....On a whim, I asked favorite Son if he would like to my utter shock, he said " Sure, I have nothing to do anyway."
I was surprised he didn't hear my jaw drop. He is 23 with limited riding experience. His horse contact ( as far as I know) is usually in the form of feeding those "beasts" while I am away.
As I recall, his last horseback ride was in the paddock, on a horse named "Fred" who belonged to young lady about his age, 14, Nicki. Fred was not what I would call 'pony material'.....a hot Morgan, whom Nicki adored, but years later did admit that she was surprised didn't kill her. Fred had some issues, as well as a number of positions and cues that strictly meant "go" fact all positions and cues meant "go" to Fred. He was the ONLY horse I ever got off because I could not get to a place where I felt safe......but she rode him like a pro.
She barrel raced him, and trail rode, but primarily barrels, like a madman. Even Caly preferred to follow Fred, so he could watch the show, and thankfully not learn what Fred knew, how to dance, jig and otherwise get his way.....and she just rode along, apparently not noticing.
Ryan had ridden Domino and Angel, our first 2 horses, but always on a lead and not for long. His younger brother, Colby actually did compete with Dazzle years ago at the local horse club, and did OK, in his odd Mother~taught way.....Ryan attended some of the shows, but I don't believe he ever competed but possibly once: leadline on Fred with Nicki leading....or that quite possibly could have been their friend Wes: tall, lanky teen like them, it was rather humorous....the other leadline riders were about 5 years old or so....and Wes/Ryan, whichever one, stuck out like a sore thumb.
Nicki convinced Ryan that Fred was harmless.....I am quite sure it was to impress the very pretty girl boarding her horse at my house, Ryan agreed to get on Fred, but only in the paddock. I missed the whole thing, I was not home, but I heard that it was quite an experience, one he would not repeat and it had something to do with a broken rein and a crazed Morgan in the paddock. That was Ryan's last ride.....until yesterday, 9 years later, which seems like an eternity to me.
Steven and I tacked up, and out comes Ryan, a jusbravery can of beer in his hand: a tall boy. I know what that was: I have had them myself. My former brother calls the regular sized ones " 12 ounce Tranquilizers". Finishing the 16 ouncer, and setting it on the ground, he gave Dazzle a good scratch. Dressed just as he'd asked me: boots and jeans....and a ball cap, he offered that when we are away he goes out and talks to them.....He TALKS to them??? I really thought he didn't much care for them at all, never mind talk to them! I remember he nailed Dazzle's door shut once because he'd opened his sliding door, and done the limbo under the stall guard more than once while I was away ..... he was sick of going to the neighbor's lawn to retrieve him....but I digress....I offered to have him use the stump to get on....he said, no, I know how to do this...and he did, mowed over the empty can, without incident, and followed along behind Caly and Sage.
Let me say, even with that long hiatus from horse back riding, I was impressed. Very impressed. He figured out very quickly how to avoid Dazzle eating every leaf in sight, How to speed up, how to slow down, and even how to neck rein. I checked his foot position several times: Heels down. Wow! I turned around to check Steven and Ryan.....they were both TROTTING and later, when I was trotting....Ryan and Dazzle were loping! Yay! He IS his Mother's son....
It was just a short ride, no sense in beating Favorite Son his first time up....his back was getting a bit sore and we arrived home in one piece, and here's the kicker:
He admitted: " That was fun".
Monday, June 22, 2009
Steven's Little Honor Student.....
She lopes, she lopes just fine now. First few times was a bit running with a book on your head, figuring out how to move along without it going flying. Each time is steadier than the time before. She's a quick study that one.
Tianna and Steven took Dazzle and Sage out as I was working on stuff at home. They say there was no loping involved.....I only half believe them. For Tianna and Steven to refrain from any sort of speed activity without the watchful eye of Herself the Warden, would be like leaving 2 children in a room of M&M's without a parent and expecting them to not eat even one....Nah, ain't gonna happen....they ate an M&M, I just know it....
Steven and I decided to get out and ride this past Saturday afternoon, before the onset of 4 days of promised rain....All went well with the preparation.....Steven suggested we bring the video camera to get footage of Sage if there is any disappointment from this peanut gallery that there is no video, it is my fault! I just couldn't imagine loping along ahead, on Mr. Progressive, dropping the reins, to turn around and shoot video from the back of what would soon be a galloping horse, was somhow.....not my idea of a relaxing time....
With only a small amount of pouting, Steven saw my point....I really do, sometimes, prefer a ride that is not an ordeal, a fiasco, as was the rest of my week. This was one of those days.
She did great! Really great. Steven and I decided to try her all the way around the park. Lots of varying terrain to see what she can do....I'll tell ya! She can do! Steven was really thrilled with how smooth and comfortable she was climbing this hill that is washed out and rocky with roots.....None of the horses is smooth going up.....but Sage is. Steady and confident, without notice of new kind of footing...just marched ant a trot, right on up.
She led, she followed, she even trotted ahead.....and just a couple "ET"'s! from Steven when she threw a buck or two....not mean, not hard, but it was there. I was kinda surprised that his reaction took as long as it did once when I was watching....the head go down and the ears attention Steven! But she was having fun......doesn't make it right, but I really think it was excitement.
Heading home, Silas Rd: long dirt/grass road with extended flat and clear areas that scream " speed, baby, speed!"....called to Steven to try her out...I think this is where the video camera woulda come in. I loped Caly, I hear him asking Sage for the same, behind me, a pause, then a LOOK! I turn around....she was loping, she sure was. Head nice an level, ears up, focused and appeared to be very smooth! She was also just a hair below gallop...very very close. Saving that for another day. It was really quite impressive that she had such a steady lope.....on the heels of Stinkerbell, who surprised me and didn't bolt.
All went well. Really well. Thinking I will try to get Steven to stick in this stage for a bit.....for perfecting purposes......before that eventual gallop. I reminded him, when he was riding ahead of me at a walk....and the distance between us was growing, that one of his primary concerns was if she would able to kepp up with Caly.....I got a thumbs up.
Please? Can I say it now? " I toldja so."
She makes a honking noise.....really: honk, honk, honk~honk....Gotta talk to Robin 'bout that one. Wierd: a mustang with a horn....5.0 maybe?
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Hmmmm, I Think She Will Keep Up Just Fine
Days have passed since the actual excursion for a trail ride with 3.....been busy.
Steven saddled Sage, Tianna on Dazzle and I rode Caly. Still suffering from that blasted headcold, we went out into the woods. mainly walking at first, we added a bit of trotting: Caly in the lead, then Sage, with Dazzle poking along behind with Tianna, for now anyway....
Sage has no qualms about trotting up. In fact, I think she really enjoys going out with her boyz, and they, thank heavens, are not at all aggressive to the girl. Caly has a history of pretending to be nice....and then the true colors come out: teeth, strikes and spins with attempts to kick out: nothing. Apparently, there have been some fenceline discussions about how where SHE comes from: Mares rule, and he is quite possibly listening to her? Harumph....she's doing better n'I am. He didn't give her an ounce of hoof.
During a rather brisk trot, that I was sure that Dazzle would lope to, I hear Steven say something....behind me. I slowed down with the usual "WHAT?" he says: " She was loping!" was it? He said she felt a bit unbalanced, but she was more than willing, that's my invitation to try it again....So I did.
She learns in threes. We noticed that with everything we have covered so far. The first time is " Is this ok?, I think so" Second time is " oh, that again....not so bad" and the third time " I like this, having fun guys...."
Second lope, steadier, still trying to balance herself with a rider, but O so willing, even to slow the pace. Third time: much steadier and really enjoying herself....
Trying not to push the envelope off the table, we left it there. But I actually experienced a first. I trotted down a long stretch of trail, solo, after turning a corner. Sage lost sight of us and let out a a trot, and it was the funniest sound I think I have heard....every hoof fall was verbalized...Like:
So....She can talk and walk at the same time.....Talented girl!
Friday, June 5, 2009
Pretty as a Picture
Steven did take advantage of a sunny afternoon to longe Sage out in the back. As usual, he reported that she did much better one on one than when I showed up, with camera, to resume my stump sitting position.
She was doing quite well, so I snapped some pictures.
It's hard to believe she has been here a month already! She has learned SO much with minimal drama....good! She actually loped for Steven on the longe line, without the antics of head tossing, attempting to bolt, and pull away during this session. She got a bit distracted with a human stump sitter watching her every move, and I asked Steven to let me give it a try. Much to his delight ( he probably will not admit it) she was the same if not WORSE for me....So I handed her back over.
She has gained some weight in the last month. This picture makes her look like a real porker, but she's really not. Hay belly is diminishing with work, and her muscles are really starting to show....She actually has a bit of a chest starting....and with more work, it will only get better and better.
Now.....if only this cold would go away and the weather would cooperate!
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Entrez Vous, S'il Vous Plait, Mon Petite......
He had taken her out for a 'walk'....I had convinced him to give her a day off from riding.....He reports that she was super compliant: passing between the car and the fence?? ( thankfully not MY car ) In the woods: no calling....and said he was coming to get me ( get ME?) and she followed him right up the little 4" step into the breezeway????
Now, the front of the breezeway has a 4' step: concrete. the REAR of the breezeway has a wooden ramp, who's composition has weakened over time....In other words: I think it may be rotten enough for a horse hoof to go thru. So he decides to 'turn her around', IN the breezeway.
I am having visions, from my kitchen door, of the glass top table, contents, gas can, chairs and park bench becoming dangerous obstacles.....thankfully, she is petite enough that none of these things are disturbed during the 180 degree change in position to get her OUT of my breezeway....
Walk on, he commands....she complies.....UNTIL she feels her toe suspended over the edge of the step.....the little 4" step! No way, she is thinking, I ain't fallin' for that one: It's a hole. She REFUSES to walk on....Great! She's STUCK in my BREEZEWAY!
I go outside, I get some treats from the garage, I try baiting....not even peppermint treats are enuf to convince her to step into "the hole". I try hay....starting to get a bit nervous, and growing MORE annoyed at Steven for putting her in this predicament, worsened by his giggling at the absurdity of the situation.
Nope, not for treats, food, adoration...she ain't budging.
He reaches for the contents of the glass table....Hammer? No. Deer Antler? No. Ashtray? No. He reaches for the long handled dog toy, the kind that you launch a tennis ball from......still with the BALL in it! Nooooo! Removes ball: tap, tap, tap. Nothin' She's no dummy, not stepping in that hole...we demonstrate. Nope, even tho we didn't DIE, she won't move. Oh great!
Last resort: the ramp.
Holding my breath and crossing hooves that the ramp is stronger than it appears, he does another about face, and starts down the ramp.
It holds......She's out of my breezeway and happily munching grass in the back yard.
Sputtering.....Don't do it again......
C'est la vie.....
Friday, May 29, 2009
Naughty Sage ! Bad Steven!
By the time I turned around, Steven was sitting on her rump, completely behind the saddle, leaning up and over the saddle, hand extended to the reins, and Sage hunching madly, not really bucking, but certainly not a normal gait.....quickly down the pathway to the barn.....Ooooh, I know that postion...."Jump!" I said. He actually looked at me, and then, after freeing his feet from the stirrups, he launched himself to the left, narrowly missing a tree. Nice tumble Stevie!
Sage proceeded to the front of the barn, turned right and ended up in a dead end, facing electric fence straight ahead, and to her right, the barn to her left, and she lowered her head for some nice tall grass that grows there.
I abandoned Caly in the crossties clipped to his noseband. After I was sure Steven was ok, we proceeded to collect Sage, who was slightly unnerved, looking at us like: " Uh, oh......Where did he go? Did I do something bad?"
She settled down easily and I asked Steven what happened.
I want to apologize for no pictures today.....If you turned up the volume when viewing the first ride video, just before it will know why I am particularly annoyed with myself for not setting up the camera today.........
Apparently, Sage had not positioned herself perfectly at the stump, and I think Steven forgot momentarily, that it was not Dazzle or Caly he was getting on, and reached for the stirrup/saddle to land in the seat, missing, when she moved off slightly.....What I had missed, was, Steven had originally landed in FRONT of the saddle, which obviously upset Sage.....I can't imagine anyone had ever landed there! She had bucked, at least once, maybe more, which launched Steven to the backseat.....another place that no one had ever landed on Sage, thus the tantrum and her attempt to go to her room!
It was rather obvious that we had some corrective work to be done, Caly was getting a bit animated in the crossties and I think he was only slightly disappointed that his ride was over before it was started.
We spent a LONG time that afternoon teaching Sage that the bad stump was not so bad afterall, and it was expected that she stand quietly next to it when asked. After she was able to maintain proper position at the stump, we worked on standing for mounting.....placing a hand for weight in the stirrup, praising when she did not move off, repositioning and trying again when she did move. Then a foot, then a leg up and finally with a rider up. Mount, dismount, mount, dismount.....she must think we are horribly indescisive!
We rewarded her with trips around the back yard....she likes just ambling around the trees, in full wiew of her Boyz. Steven wove her around the trees, the stump, to the trailer and back, she occasionally would just stop, become balky, and refuse to move....he'd wait, re cue with a 'walk on', squeeze the seat, repeat both adding a couple heels to her side....for the most part that would work.....but there was once it was pretty obvious to me that she would move on HER time. Not ok.
When it's time to make a point with Sage, it is usally me that tries it first....I recall Robin telling me that Mustangs can harbor grudges, and I would much prefer to have Sage not happy with me for a bit, than with Steven. Steven is her person.
I got on. She stood still, just like we had just worked on: good girl....I asked for a walk on....she did. We walked to the front of the barn, and turned towards the rear of the house.....she stopped.
Walk on.....nothing.
Walk on, with the seat and leg pressure......nothing.
Walk on, with the seat and leg pressure, adding a couple heels.....nothing
Walk on, seat/leg pressure, couple heels and a good slap on the rump....she walked.
She started off a bit abruptly....I am quite sure she was a bit startled....but she was ok.'Good Girl'
We walked along, til the next time....repeat....right up to the slap on the butt....then she moved.
One more time, she responded to the command, seat and legs....good girl!
I explained escalation to Steven, his turn to try. She tested him, only a couple times and then, as she had done for me, responded well before the heel and slap application. She gets it.....Will try that again.....but next ride.
He practiced turns, and whoas for a bit more. One more revisit to the 'stand' for mount and dismount: success. She's solid on that....for now.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Barrels? What Are Barrels?
Saddling was uneventful and we were chatting during the process. She stood relatively still, Steven mounted and she was ready to get to work. This was her fourth ride.
We had discussed what we were going to do with Sage for today....We decided to use the barrels in the practice area to work on neck reining that we had left set up from the day before, would be a good exercise to practice weaving and turning.... She started off a bit hesitant, stopping frequently, and I just couldn't stand to see them have all the I did like any good stump~sittin~horse~trainer~wanna~be woulda done....I grabbed my beer and joined right in.....I think Sage really enjoyed the company....
Follow the leader.......................
I did offer her a sip, but she's too young....will have to wait a bit.
In all, Sage did a great job. Not only did she learn to weave the barrels, at a snails pace, but it's still a real weave ( with and without her 'escort' ), and to make turns around them. Look out NBHA, Sage Brush Lily will be burning 3 real soon!
Finished off the day dragging the ring with Favorite Son's 4 Wheeler. Man, that was FUN!
hey! At least I didn't last time.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Sage And The Boyz: First Trail Date
All saddled up, with warnings to maintain distance between horses, just in case someone gets snarky, we head off to the woods. Caly in front, Sage in the middle and Dazzle bringing up the rear.....much to the delight of Tianna who likes to drop back and 'catch up'.
Steven said Sage was walking rather quickly, easily closing the gap between herself and Caly's butt. He would halt her, and she complied, only to resume creeping up to him. Nice walk ! he commented.
We saw my neighbor Donna and her daughter Sara outside, and went over to greet them. Donna snapped a pic of the three of us on our first trio outing....Actually, Donna, the camera DID go off 3x....
When we reached the powerlines, for some reason, Caly quickened his step, which was apparently read by fit resulting in 2 little bucks, that later, Tianna reported from her behind position, were of the all~feet~off~the~ground variety...Steven stuck nicely.....told her "easy", and used the one rein turn that we had discussed previously, and she settled right down. After a bit, Steven dismounted to signal Sage she was 'on break' and it was OK for her to graze....she found mint, lots of mint....and she really didn't want to give it up....but she did.
Next, out to the bike trail. Sage is not so good with bikes, and it's time she gets over that....Ya gotta love desentisization. The first people we saw were 2 teen girls walking their bikes as one had a flat tire. We asked that they come towards the horses so that Sage could see that those funky looking metal things were not horse~consuming~wheeled~things~from~hell....Both girls approached, Sage watching distrustfully, until they each, 1 at a time, approached to give her a cookie furnished by Steven....She relaxed, alot!
Along the biketrail a family rode towards us...I asked that they give that second horse some room, it's her first trail ride. They did, she watched them, held her ground and the next dozen or so bikes that whizzed from either front of behind were largely unnoticed. Steven was smiling!
Steven used some nice winding trails as an opportunity to reinforce neck reining, which she has really started to respond to. One little fit from a low branch Steven moved directly above her and that was about it! We headed for home.
Tianna pushed Dazzle up front, jogging and loping to get well ahead. Caly was really stepping forward now, keeping an eye on Dazzle, and failed to notice the bikes in the parallel bike trail....he spooked.....and Sage followed suit, even tho she had indeed noticed the bikes, she was concerend that Caly had seen a true demon that she should be aware of. They settled right down as we hit the trail to home.
With Dazzle now out of sight, Sage, who had passed Caly, looking for her dun buddy, started calling. We had decided to try a trot, after passing the last trail to the house....but Sage was not waiting...She picked up a nice jog, which later, Steven was very happy to report was very smooth! I noted outward swinging of her forelegs, interesting, and later, after Caly and I passed her and looking over my shoulder: she was pacing....really pretty. We transitioned from walk to trot several times: smoothly and without incident. The whole ride lasting less than an hour. Sage and I went home to rest, Dazzle and Caly went out with Steven and Tianna for a short ride.
It was about a half hour later that Sage called to her boyz, just a couple times....and then resumed eating. What a good girl!
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Transitions, Transitions, Transitions....
She was a bit distracted when she spied me, but got back to work nicely. She broke into a nice pace at one point, slowed back to a trot on command. Then she got a bit carried away for about 10 minutes: lope, a real lope.....followed by bouncing and a valiant effort to quit this gig....which was aborted by Steven nicely.
I have complimented him on how much more confidently he is handling her lil tantrums....
I was just sittin' on my stump.
Friday, May 22, 2009
Saddle Up Hombre.....
Her second and third rides were largely the same uneventful experiences for Sage. I actually got on her myself, briefly, and she walked right on when verbally cued. There is much maneuvering the bit in her mouth and her turns are not quite there yet. Direct rein, brace rein and outside leg have been replaced with a neck rein cue with the reassurrance of a direct rein, seat and a bit of outside leg pressure.
Here is a shot without her" human escort" on the second ride....The third ride we added a crop, with a plastic bag tied to the end....I am not quite sure why, she is not phazed by plastic at all. When in New jersey, Robin had demonstrated her immunity to plastic: she stuck her head in the bag to see if there were, perhaps, any treats inside. She was disappointed, just some miscellaneous stuff from a shopping trip. With a very gentle tap of the crop to remind her that walk~on means to move forward, she was, as usual, compliant.
This ride, the third, Steven shed the helmet....instantly losing 6" of height.....much better.
After the third ride, removing the reins, but leaving the saddle, bridle and halter on Steven took her to the open practice area for some longing with tack. She was a bit slow to understand the concept with tack, but caught on quickly. Again, she moved very well to the left, and Steven even encouraged her to trot up a bit. The word " Trot" means something to her. The transition was smooth, a bit slow on the uptake, but consistent with encouragement. The right side: not so good. Again. Finally getting her to walk on to the right, Steven tried to get her to repeat the trot....after a bit of head tossing and one mini tantrum which said to me " I am SO done with this, I wanna go back to my BOYZ" She did comply, briefly. I think maybe her foot could be bothering her a bit. I do see a small crack and a slight divet near the toe on the sole....could be one of those gas pockets Robin spoke of, that will take some time to grow out. The farrier said her feet look good and not to will just give her time.
Steven wanted a pony ride back to the barn....he had saddle and bridle, but no reins....which I recall thinking later: was a good thing. Since there is no mounting block down there, I placed my hand in the right stirrup to keep saddle movement to a minimum as he got on. I guess, where Sage comes from, that may be a bad thing, having a person on each side, maybe reminiscent of branding, capture? I don't know. She bucked once and braced for what looked like it could become a rear. I just held her and we both reassurred her with "eeeasy". She calmed down, Steven stayed on just fine and we started to walk up to the house. She was a bit hurried....I and Steven, in unison, paused her with a whoa twice, and she was her usual compliant self.
Finished off the session with a brief walk, without tack, into the woods across the street: she was calling to her Boyz....nuthin. Good!
3 Strikes For Sage Means Success!
She settled down nicely, saw the light and the error of her ways, apparently, and became angelic....
Ahhhh, life is good......Time to try riding her....Saturday, May 16, 2009
Trainers Are Valuable Assets
I asked Robin, her opinion, or for affirmation of my decision..... When she gets stupid at the I just let her get the Ya Ya's out or do I, as i did, make her stop the shennanigans and do it correctly.
More yay! Robin thinks as I did: Make her do it right......
For today, I don't know what Steven has in mind...I do know that I have some busted boards between Sage and Dazzle.....probably has to do with this 'heat' thing....but he's coming shortly with some lumber, screws and knowledge.
I think, with a gentle twist to his arm, I can get him out for a ride on the Boyz.....